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Light and Spirituality 

I am a spiritual artist and lightwkrker. I use my art, knowledge and experience in advocating the importance of spiritual wellbeing and to promote the optimum methods that help with healing the spirit from the traumas and physical issues that come as a result of the energy imbalance within the body.The healing process is primarily exerted throughout activating the internal healing mechanism throughout supplying the body with the natural elements that has been affected by the trauma to restore the healthy bodily functions in order to achieve tranquility, physical well-being and balance between mind body and soul.

Stages of Healing

How I use Surat Elfatihah to Activate my chakras? كيف استخدم سورة الفاتحة لتنشيط الشاكرات السبع

نبذة عن الأحجار الكريمة وكيف ممكن تصاحبها؟
Introduction About Gemstone and how to be friends with it?

Full moon camping

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